How They Met Tommy’s family runs a ministry called Outfitters for Christ on a 100-year old, working cattle ranch in Yampa, Colorado. After Reagan became involved with the ministry, she ended up spen … Continue Reading
How He Asked During their five years together, visiting Estes Park and staying at the Stanley Hotel had become Chelsie and Brendan’s anniversary tradition. This tradition included taking a photo at … Continue Reading
About Tim & Holly Their story began 13 years ago. Holly and Tim met while working together for a custom home builder in Nebraska and remained friends despite Tim’s eventual move to Colorado. Lat … Continue Reading
How He Asked Sawyer flew from her home in North Carolina to Colorado the day after Christmas for a belated celebration with Clay’s family. As with many winter flights, hers was exceedingly delayed, … Continue Reading
The Beginning of Forever Brittany and Nick’s love story began at High Point University in North Carolina. Brittany grew up in Colorado and Nick spent most of his life in Michigan and Kentucky. They … Continue Reading
The Bridal Collection opened its doors in 2000 with the goal of helping women look and feel their best.